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Do I Lose My Assets With a Consumer Proposal?

Do I Lose My Assets With a Consumer Proposal?You may consider filing a consumer proposal if you struggle to keep up with your debt payments instead of turning to bankruptcy companies. But you may wonder if a consumer proposal means you'll lose your assets - which is what this article aims to answer. Read on to find out how a consumer proposal works and what to do if you want to keep your assets through this debt relief process. What Is A Consumer Proposal? Simply put, a... ❯❯❯

How Does A Consumer Proposal Affect My Credit?

How Does A Consumer Proposal Affect My Credit?Getting into debt can be hard to deal with, especially if it keeps getting worse and worse. Fortunately, there are different solutions to help you get out of debt fast. People turn to bankruptcy companies or get a consumer proposal, allowing them to pay off their debts in one lump sum instead of dealing with creditors individually. But before deciding whether or not this solution is right for you, it's important to understand how a... ❯❯❯

Blink Charging Looks Well-Positioned for Long-Term Growth

Blink Charging Looks Well-Positioned for Long-Term GrowthRapid growth in electric vehicles Blink Charging owns, operates, and provides Electric Vehicle (EV) charging equipment and networked EV charging services in the U.S. and international markets. It offers both residential and commercial EV charging equipment and services. The demand for EVs continues to rise across the world, driven by governments’ initiatives to reduce emissions. According to a report by the International Energy... ❯❯❯

Strategic Innovations That Investment Companies Are Bringing In To The UAE Market

Strategic Innovations That Investment Companies Are Bringing In To The UAE MarketThe UAE has among the largest and most stable economies in the world. With an economic freedom score of 70.2, it has become the 33rd freest in the 2022 Index. Due to its robust business environment and investor-friendly regulations that continue to improve each year, strategic innovations from investment companies in the UAE continue to emerge to encourage investors all over the world to make a UAE or Dubai investment. Crypto and... ❯❯❯

How do Consumer Proposals Work?

A consumer proposal is an alternative  and less severe alternative to bankruptcy. This debt solution allows you to consolidate your unsecured debts and pay all or a portion of it back in interest-free monthly installments. A consumer proposal is prepared by a Licenced Insolvency Trustee (LIT) and sent to your creditors in order to negotiate your terms. If you choose to go with a consumer proposal, you will protect your assets from... ❯❯❯

5 Things You Must Know About Physician Contract Reviews

5 Things You Must Know About Physician Contract ReviewsIf you don't have a private practice as a physician, you'll have to sign employment contracts from time to time. Most contracts have twisted and demanding clauses that can make your practice burdensome. It's imperative you understand every provision of the contract to ensure it matches your expectations. In this article, you'll find 5 things you must know about physician contract reviews, including: Restrictions Work expectations ... ❯❯❯

Everything You Need to Know About the British Tax System

It often happens that British citizens struggle to understand how the UK tax system works, wondering how much and how often they have to pay taxes. The UK tax system is in fact really intricate and difficult to figure out for a regular citizen, for it is a complex plan of tax bands, relief schemes and allowances. The easiest way to understand how the system works is to keep in mind a very important rule: the amount of tax you have to... ❯❯❯

4 Effective Ways to Make an Investment in Real Estate

When making an investment in real estate, the key goal is to put your hard-earned cash to work now so that you can have more of it tomorrow. The return or profit you generate on the investment you make should be capable of covering all the risks you take and other costs of owning properties, like insurance, maintenance, and utilities. Investing in real estate can be simple, especially when you are familiar with the basics related to... ❯❯❯

5 Reasons to Invest in Rental Property in 2022

5 Reasons to Invest in Rental Property in 2022Are you looking for a profitable investment opportunity to secure passive income? This article is perfect if you've been debating the pros and cons of expanding your portfolio to include real estate. Right now, the market is prime for new investors and seasoned experts to cut another slice of the pie. In the following paragraphs, we'll highlight the top 5 reasons to invest in rental property in 2022. Besides, if you're worried about... ❯❯❯

How Does Mortgage Refinancing Work in Canada?

How Does Mortgage Refinancing Work in Canada?With interest rates at an all-time low, now is a great time to refinance your mortgage. When you refinance, you take out a new mortgage with a new lender at a lower interest rate than your current one. This allows you to save money by paying off your mortgage faster and get cashback from the transaction in the form of any difference between your old and new interest rates. But there are many different lenders, and it can be hard to... ❯❯❯