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Defaulting on Your Student Loans? What Happens Next?

Student loans are one of the most common strategies to pay for college. As college gets more and more expensive, more and more people are turning to student loans. And with the economy in a bit of a recession, more and more people are struggling to make their payments. One consequence is to default on your loan. What Does It Mean to Default? Miss a payment or make a payment late and itís a delinquency. Fail to make a payment on your... ❯❯❯

How To Get Started On Budgeting

Budgeting is very important. It's not only something crucial for small businesses or freelancers, it's also important for everybody, just like you and me. One thing youíll want to do before you setting up a budget is to stop excessive spending. In fact, without this step, it wonít matter what income you have, youíll never have enough to pay your bills and start saving for your future. Your spending habits will keep this from happening.... ❯❯❯

How to Calculate Your Own Personal Net Worth

Whether you are curious or have a specific reason for calculating your own personal net worth, there are many factors that you have to take into consideration. Knowing your personal net worth can help you plan for events such as retirement or setting up your will. Calculating your personal net worth is not difficult. To calculate your personal net worth, you will need to list all of your assets. Your biggest assets will be any homes... ❯❯❯

The Pros and Cons of Balance Transfers

If you owe money on a credit card, there are a number of ways to pay off that debt. One way to pay off your credit card debt is with a balance transfer. A balance transfer is the practice of transferring debt from one card to another. There are many pros and cons to this practice. Balance Transfer Pros The first and most apparent benefit of transferring your balance from one card to another is a reduction in interest rates. Many... ❯❯❯